Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 3 Week 6 [1st August 2011~5th August 2011] Group 2

Lower Secondary

Patrolling ICs:
Jolene Tan

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Jia Suan, Hui Wen
Near Council Room: Joel, Shu Yan
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Alicia, Mei Chun

Canteen Entrances:
Near the Bookshop: Jing Yuan, Si Qi

Near the Field: Glenn, Jia Ning, Afiqah

Near the Quadrangle: Yong Xuan, Choon Lei,

Canteen between the stalls:
Hui Qi

Upper Secondary

Shift 1:

Patrolling ICs:
Lvl 3: Cheryl
Lvl 4: Shaw En

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Joey, Say Hao
Near Council Room: Michelle
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Beatrice Lee

Canteen Entrances:
Near Bookshop: Khalisah
Near the Field: Soo Peng
Near the Quadrangle: Andrea, Basyirah

Canteen between the stalls

Shift 2:

Patrolling ICs:
Lvl 3: Shi Ting
Lvl 4: Le’schane

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Lyon, Feng Xia
Near Council Room: Yi Jia
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet:  Zhi Wei

Canteen Entrances:
Near Bookshop: Rui Yuan
Near the Field: Chi Ling, Jeslin
Near the Quadrangle: Jolene Foo

Canteen between the stalls
Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List
Term 3 Week 6 [1st August 2011 ~ 5th August 2011] – Group 1
Command and Pledge
EXCO-In-Charge: Shi Ting

National: Basyirah, Carey
SHHK: Wei Ying, Yang Hou
School: Claire, Xenia

Attendance File
EXCO-In-Charge: Rui Yuan, Khalisah
Secondary 1: Beatrice Wee, Luwen
Secondary 2: Jing Yi, David
Secondary 3: Richard, Hafizh
Secondary 4 / 5: Madeleine, Yong Xuan

Side Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Feng Xia, Beatrice Lee
Councillors: Sherlyn, Seri

EXCO-In-Charge: Le’schane, Joey
Level 1: Shi Hui, Angela
Level 2: Si Ling, Marcus
Level 3: Clarence, Soo Zhen
Level 4: Yang Jie, Qi Hui,

Main Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Chi Ling, Jenna
Councillors: Victoria, Thaddaeus

Pathway behind Home Economics Room
Councillors: Jack, Yi Si

Staircase beside DNT Room
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Lyon
Councillors: Tun Yang, Alicia, Hui Yi, Sebastian

Patrolling around School
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Lyon

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 3 Week 5 [25th July 2011~29th July 2011] Group 1

Lower Secondary

Patrolling ICs:
Yang Jie
Shi Hui

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1:  Soo Zhen, Marcus
Near Council Room: Yang Hou
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Yi Si, Angela

Canteen Entrances:
Near the Bookshop: Hui Yi, Seri
Near the Field: Thaddaeus, Sherlyn, Lu Wen
Near the Quadrangle: Sebastian, David, Qi Hui

Canteen between the stalls:
Councilors:  Hafizh, Si Ling

Upper Secondary
Shift 1:

Patrolling ICs:
Lvl 3: Shi Ting
Lvl 4: Beatrice Lee, Carey

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Jenna, Tun Yang
Near Council Room: Khalisah
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Chi Ling

Canteen Entrances:
Near Bookshop: Jing Yi
Near the Field: Basyirah
Near the Quadrangle: Richard, Claire

Canteen between the stalls
Councilors: Jeslin

Shift 2:

Patrolling ICs:
Lvl 3: Rui Yuan
Lvl 4: Joey

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Clarence, Xenia
Near Council Room: Lyon
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Le’schane

Canteen Entrances:
Near Bookshop: Feng Xia
Near the Field: Madeleine, Shaw En
Near the Quadrangle: Beatrice Wee, Jack

Canteen between the stalls
Councilors: Cheryl

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List
Term 3 Week 5 [25th July 2011 ~ 29th July 2011] – Group 2
Command and Pledge
EXCO-In-Charge: Lyon

National: Rui Yuan, Le’schane
SHHK: Soo Peng, Jolene Tan
School: Yong Xuan, Georgia

Attendance File
EXCO-In-Charge: Carey, Beatrice Lee
Secondary 1: Jing Yuan , Alicia
Secondary 2: Joel, Afiqah
Secondary 3: Jolene Foo, Choon Lei
Secondary 4 / 5: Say Hao, Jia Suan

Side Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Khalisah, Jenna
Councillors: Yang Hou, Kimi

EXCO-In-Charge: Basyirah, Chi Ling
Level 1: Hui Qi
Level 2: Jia Ning
Level 3: Yi Jia, Shu Yan
Level 4: Richard, Michelle

Main Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Joey, Fengxia
Councillors: Zhi Wei

Pathway behind Home Economics Room
Councillors: Sofea, Mei Chun

Staircase beside DNT Room
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Shi Ting
Councillors: Andrea, Si Qi, Hui Wen, Glenn

Patrolling around School
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Shi Ting

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hey Councillors!! Sorry, the teacher-in-charge apparently gave me new information today. The duty tomorrow is ushering duty from Main Gate and Side Gate to the Hall. Report and meet Mrs Ivy Wong outside the HOD room at 2.40 pm, duty ends at 3.50pm. If you cannot find her, please find and call her number in HOD room, or call Mrs Png. only 10 councillors are needed in this duty, so please divide yourselves up equally. Councillors on duty:

Jing Yuan
Shi Hui
Si Ling
Hui Wen
Say Hao

Don't forget to go for duty! :) Thanks~

-Shaw En.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

           Hey Councillors!:) For Lower Secondary, you guys can only eat during the last 10 minutes of your recess and there are no early releases from class. For Upper Secondary, you only need to do duty during your shift, Shift 1 is the first 20 minutes of recess and Shift 2 is the next 20 minutes. Please make sure that the next person doing duty have arrived before you stop your shift. Lastly, please Do Not Be Late for duty, esp shift 2 people. Thanks! :DD

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 3 Week 4 [18th July 2011~22th July 2011] Group 2

Lower Secondary

Patrolling ICs:

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1:  Yong Xuan, Afiqah
Near Council Room: Jia Suan, Hui Wen
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Shu Yan, Choon Lei

Canteen Entrances:
Near the Bookshop: Hui Qi, Sofea
Near the Field: Kimi, Joel, Si Qi
Near the Quadrangle: Jolene Tan, Alicia, Jing Yuan

Canteen between the stalls:
Councilors:  Mei Chun, Jia Ning

Upper Secondary

Shift 1:

Patrolling ICs:
Lvl 3: Lyon
Lvl 4: Cheryl

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Joey, Jolene Foo
Near Council Room: Zhi Wei
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Soo peng

Canteen Entrances:
Near Bookshop: Shaw En
Near the Field: Jeslin
Near the Quadrangle: Michelle, Say Hao

Canteen between the stalls
Councilors: Le’schane

Shift 2:

Patrolling ICs:
Lvl 3: Basyirah
Lvl 4: Jenna

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Feng Xia, Khalisah
Near Council Room: Rui Yuan
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Shi Ting

Canteen Entrances:
Near Bookshop: Beatrice Lee
Near the Field: Carey, Andrea
Near the Quadrangle: Chi Ling

Canteen between the stalls
Councilors: Yi Jia
Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List
Term 3 Week 4 [18th July 2011 ~ 22nd July 2011] – Group 1
Command and Pledge
EXCO-In-Charge: Le’schane

National: Lyon, Beatrice Lee
SHHK: Jack, Qi Hui
School: David, Yi Si

Attendance File
EXCO-In-Charge: Rui Yuan, Jenna
Secondary 1: Tun Yang, Sherlyn
Secondary 2: Angela, Yang Jie
Secondary 3: Seri, Hafizh
Secondary 4 / 5: Beatrice Wee, Yong Xuan

Side Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Carey, Chi Ling
Councillors: Victoria, Richard

EXCO-In-Charge: Khalisah, Feng Xia
Level 1: Sebastian, Luwen
Level 2: Si Ling, Marcus
Level 3: Thaddaeus, Hui Yi
Level 4: Madeleine, Yang Hou

Main Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Basyirah, Joey
Councillors: Wei Ying, Soo Zhen

Pathway behind Home Economics Room
Councillors: Jing Yi, Alicia

Staircase beside DNT Room
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Shi Ting
Councillors: Xenia, Claire, Shi Hui, Clarence

Patrolling around School
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Shi Ting

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Teachers' Day

Hey councillors, please take note of which exco you're under for this year's Teachers' Day planning. After which, please check with your respective heads on what your tasks are.

Allocation Of Councillors for Teachers’ Day

Head: Basyirah
Team members: Sherlyn, David

Head: Joey
Team members: Qi hui, Sebastian

Heads: FengXia, ShawEn, Khalisah
Team members: Sec2s and 3s Human resource Department
                           Sec2s and 3s Admin Department
                           Jolene Tan, Yi Si, Yong Xuan, Michelle Chua

Heads: Chi Ling, Rui Yuan
Team members: Sec2s and 3s Student Welfare Department
                           Sec2s and 3s Council Welfare Department
                           Hui Yi, Soo Zhen,Angela, Si Qi, Tun Yang

Heads: Jeslin, Lyon
Team members: Georgia, Hui Qi, Joel, Andrea, Soo Peng

Heads: Cheryl, Shi Ting
Team members: Mei Chun, Sofea, Thaddaeus, Madeleine, Zhi Wei

Heads: Jenna, Carey
Team members: Say Hao, Victoria

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Canteen Duty- Term 3 Week 3

Canteen Duty List
Term 3 Week 3 [11th July 2011~15th July 2011] Group 1

Lower Secondary

Patrolling ICs: Qi Hui, Sebastian

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1:  David, Luwen
Near Council Room: Yi Si, Hui Yi
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Sherlyn, Shi Hui

Canteen Entrances:
Near the Bookshop: Si Ling, Hafizh
Near the Field: Yang Hou, Seri, Wei Ying
Near the Quadrangle: Thaddaeus, Soo Zhen, Marcus

Canteen between the stalls:
Councilors: Wei Ying, Yang Jie

Upper Secondary

Patrolling ICs:
Lvl 3: Le’schane, Chi Ling, Xenia
Lvl 4: Joey, Feng Xia, Shi Ting

Staircase Duty:
Spiral Staircase Lvl 1: Louis, Beatrice Lee
Near Council Room: Beatrice Wee
Near Canteen Girls’ Toilet: Carey, Madeleine
Quadrangle Staircase: Jenna, Lyon

Canteen Entrances:
Near Bookshop: Cheryl, Claire
Near the Field: Emily, Jeslin, Jack, Richard, Jing Yi
Near the Quadrangle: Basyirah, Shaw En, Khalisah, Clarence, Tun yang

Canteen between the stalls
Councilors: Rui Yuan

Friday, July 8, 2011

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List
Term 3 Week 3 [11th July 2011 ~ 15th July 2011] – Group 2
Command and Pledge
EXCO-In-Charge: Beatrice Lee

National: Le’schane, Jenna
SHHK: Say Hao, Joel
School: Jing Yuan, Choon Lei

Attendance File
EXCO-In-Charge: Khalisah, Basyirah
Secondary 1: Yi Jia, Richard
Secondary 2: Zhi Wei, Glenn
Secondary 3:  Hui Qi, Mei Chun
Secondary 4 / 5: Michelle, Alicia

Side Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Rui Yuan, Feng Xia
Councillors: Georgia

EXCO-In-Charge: Carey, Joey
Level 1: Kimi
Level 2: Hui Wen
Level 3: Si Qi, Sofea
Level 4: Andrea, Shu Yan

Main Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Shi Ting, Chi Ling
Councillors: Jolene Tan, Jia Ning

Pathway behind Home Economics Room
Councillors: Soo Peng Yong Xuan

Staircase beside DNT Room
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Lyon
Councillors: Jolene Foo, Yang Hou, Afiqah, Jia Suan

Patrolling around School
EXCO-In-Charge: Hazik, Cheryl, Jeslin, Shaw En, Lyon

NCSC Duty List C T3W5

 Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 5 [24th July 2023 - 28th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...