Saturday, August 25, 2018

NCSC Duty List T3W10 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 3 Week 10 [27th August 2018 - 30th August 2018]

Lower Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Stuart and Faith
Parade Square: Megan and An Qi

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.30am or 11.00am-11.15am)
Patrolling ICs: Jasmine and Hildah
CWO: Lecia

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.25am-10.40am or 11.15am to 11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Joshua and Tze Aan
CWO: Jing Jie

Upper Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Erica, Clarisse and Dynn Eon
Parade Square: Jia Ye and Elaine

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.30am or 11.00am-11.15am)
Patrolling ICs: Clarence and Jin Kang
CWO: Jing Xuan

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.25am-10.40am or 11.15am to 11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Justin and Bryan
CWO: Dickson

NCSC T3W10 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 10 [27th August 2018 - 30th August 2018]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Games Room

Monday: Yu Qing and An Qi
Tuesday: Megan and Branda
Wednesday: Joshua and Lecia
Thursday: -
Friday: -

NCSC Duty List T3W10

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 10 [27th August 2018 - 30th August 2018]
Morning Duty: Group 2

Command and Pledge
In-Charge: Jing Xuan

Announcement Maker
In-Charge: Dickson

Quote of the day
Monday: Emily
Wednesday: Ethel
Friday: -

National: Elise
SHHK: Jian San
School: Elaine

Side Gate
In-Charge: Clarisse
Councillors: Stuart and Clarence

In-Charge: Shannon
Upper Patrol: Hildah and Justin
Lower Patrol: An Qi and Megan

Main Gate
In-Charge: Jin Kang
Councillors: Faith and Erica

Patrol around School
In-Charge: Sok Yang and Bryan

Saturday, August 18, 2018

NCSC Duty List T3W9 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List

Term 3 Week 9 [20th August 2018 - 14th August 2018]

Lower Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Branda and Zroy
Parade Square: Emily, Nicole and Rachel

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am to 10.40am or 11.00am to 11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Zhi Yan and Zenden
CWO: Yu Qing

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am to 11.00am or 11.20am to 11.45am)
Patrolling ICs: Zoe and Min Yao
CWO: Wei Xuan

Upper Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Yuxin, Sok Yang and Laura
Parade Square: Gerald and Elise

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am to 10.40am or 11.00am to 11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Yu’En and Shannon
CWO: Jian San

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am to 11.00am or 11.20am to 11.45am)
Patrolling ICs: Jian Wei and Ethel
CWO: Jolene

NCSC Duty List T3W9 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 9 [20th August 2018 - 24th August 2018]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Games Room


Monday: Jasmine and Branda
Tuesday: Jing Jie and Shannon
Wednesday: -
Thursday: Zoe and Branda
Friday: Elise and Yu Qing

NCSC Duty List T3W9

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 9 [20th August 2018 - 24th August 2018]
Morning Duty: Group 1

Command and Pledge
In-Charge: Elise

Announcement Maker
In-Charge: Sok Yang

Quote of the day
Monday: Branda
Wednesday: -
Friday: Joshua

National: Jian San
SHHK:  Jin Kang
School:  Shannon

Side Gate
In-Charge: Jian Wei
Councillors: Gerald and Zoe

In-Charge: Jing Xuan
Upper Patrol: Nicole and Rachel
Lower Patrol: Wei Xuan and Emily

Main Gate
In-Charge: Elaine and Jolene
Councillors: Ethel and Min Yao

Patrol around School
In-Charge: Dickson and Laura

Saturday, August 11, 2018

NCSC Duty List T3W8 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List

Term 3 Week 8 [13th August 2018 - 17th August 2018]

Lower Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Jing Jie and Jasmine
Parade Square: Tze Aan and Stuart

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.30am or 11.00am-11.15am)
Patrolling ICs: Lecia and Megan
CWO: Joshua

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.25am-10.40am or 11.15am to 11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: An Qi and Faith
CWO: Hildah

Upper Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Bryan, Dickson and Elaine
Parade Square: Clarence and Justin

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.30am or 11.00am-11.15am)
Patrolling ICs: Erica and Jia Ye
CWO: Jin Kang

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.25am-10.40am or 11.15am to 11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Clarisse and Dynn Eon
CWO: Jing Xuan

NCSC Duty List T3W8 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 8 [13th August 2018 - 17th August 2018]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Study Room


Monday: Dynn Eon and Jian San
Tuesday: Dynn Eon and Jin Kang
Wednesday: Zoe and Dynn Eon
Thursday: Justin and Jolene
Friday: Joshua and Lecia

NCSC Duty List T3W8

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 8 [13th August 2018 - 17th August 2018]
Morning Duty Group: -

Command and Pledge
In-Charge: Jian San

Announcement Maker
In-Charge: Jing Xuan

Quote of the day
Monday: -
Wednesday: - 
Friday: -

National: Jin Kang
SHHK: Elaine
School: Elise

Side Gate
In-Charge: Clarisse and Dickson
Councillor: -

In-Charge: -
Upper Patrol: - 
Lower Patrol: -

Main Gate
In-Charge: Shannon and Bryan
Councillors: -

Patrol around School
In-Charge: Sok Yang 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

NCSC Duty List T3W7 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 3 Week 7 [6th August 2018 - 7th August 2018]

Lower Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: ZhiYan and Wei Xuan
Parade Square: Min Yao and Zoe

Shift 1: (First 25 mins of recess, 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Nicole, Rachel and Branda
CWO: Emily

Shift 2: (Last 25 mins of recess, 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am to 11.45am)
Patrolling ICs: Zroy and Yu Qing
CWO: Zenden

Upper Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Yu’En, Gerald and Jian San
Parade Square: Ethel and Laura

Shift 1: (First 25 mins of recess, 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Jolene and Sok Yang
CWO: Shannon

Shift 2: (Last 25 mins of recess, 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am to 11.45am)
Patrolling ICs: Yuxin and Elise
CWO: Jian Wei

NCSC Duty List T3W7 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 7 [6th August 2018 - 7th August 2018]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Study Room


Monday: Zenden and Min Yao
Tuesday: Jian San and Gerald
Wednesday: - 
Thursday: -
Friday: -

NCSC Duty List T3W7

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 3 Week 7 [6th August 2018 - 8th August 2018]
Morning Duty: Group 3

Command and Pledge
In-Charge: Jin Kang

Announcement Maker
In-Charge: Dickson

Quote of the day
Monday: Erica
Wednesday: Stuart
Friday: -

National: Elaine
SHHK: Shannon 
School: Jian San 

Side Gate
In-Charge: Laura
Councillor: Yu Qing and Branda

In-Charge: Elise
Upper Patrol: Yu'En 
Lower Patrol: Zenden and Yuxin

Main Gate
In-Charge: Sok Yang and Jian Wei
Councillors: ZhiYan and Zroy

Patrol around School
In-Charge: Jing Xuan and Jolene

NCSC Duty List C T3W5

 Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 5 [24th July 2023 - 28th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...