This is especially to those who missed the rolecall today morning,
- There's a new rule in council which is for those who did not do their morning duty or canteen duty, will be given 1 offence form. This is because it would be unfair to other councillors who do their duty regularly and they get the same CCA points as those who do not do their duties. Also the quality of the duty is very important.
- Please reply to all messages sent. Otherwise, it would be difficult to especially me and Yanghou to take note if you've seen the message. Also, please check the message or the council blog again before asking us questions, as it is very troublesome for the both of us to reply so many of you when the answers can be found in the council blog.
- Please take note that there will be a meeting on 9th November 2012, 1230-1500(approx.) Venue: To be confirmed. Agenda of the meeting:
- 2013 events & deployment
- Expectations of a councillor
- Discipline Training
- Leadership course on 14th November 2012, 0800-1600. This leadership course is like a mini day camp. It is compulsory to attend. Please pay $25(cash) to YiXuan(Sec1), Gabriel/Genevieve(Sec2) or Jia Suan(Sec3) by 25th October.
-Jia Suan-