Saturday, January 26, 2019

NCSC Duty List T1W4 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 1 Week 4 [28th January 2019 - 29th January 2019]

Lower Secondary

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Canteen Patrolling IC: Gabrielle
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Serena and Chloe
Patroling ICs (Sec 2): Fu Lei and Charissa

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)

Canteen Patrolling IC: Amber
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Han Xi and Leonard
Patroling ICs (Sec 2): Jonathan and Sophie

Upper Secondary (Recess Group: Group 3)

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Canteen Patrolling IC: Bryan
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): Jian San and Megan
Patroling ICs (Sec 4): Sok Yang and Joshua

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)
Canteen Patrolling ICs: JiaYe and Jasmine
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): Elaine and Jing Jie
Patroling ICs (Sec 4): Yu'En and Min Yao

NCSC Duty List T1W4 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 4 [28th January 2019 - 29th January 2019]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Games Room


Monday: Jonathan and Emily
Tuesday: Leonard and Dickson
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -

NCSC Duty List T1W4

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 4 [28th January 2019 - 1st February 2019]
Morning Duty: Group 3

Command and Pledge
EXCO-In-Charge: Elaine

Announcement Maker
EXCO-In-Charge: Sok Yang

Quote of the Day
Department: Admin

National: Shannon
SHHK: Elise
School: Jin Kang

Side Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Jing Xuan
Councillors: Jolene, Zroy and Leonard

Main Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Jian San
Councillors: Clarisse, Rachel and Charissa

EXCO-In-Charge: Dickson
Level Patrol: Stuart and Sui Yee

Saturday, January 19, 2019

NCSC Duty List T1W3 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 1 Week 3 [21st January 2019 - 24th January 2019]

Lower Secondary

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Canteen Patrolling IC: Shermaine
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Charmaine and Summer
Patroling ICs (Sec 2): Cheng Yi and Sui Yee

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)

Canteen Patrolling IC: Alison
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Shanice and Sophia
Patroling ICs (Sec 2): Bjorn and Jun Ming

Upper Secondary (Recess Group: Group 2)

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Canteen Patrolling IC: Dickson
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): Emily and Justin
Patroling ICs (Sec 4): Nicole and Elise

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)
Canteen Patrolling ICs: Hildah and Yuxin
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): Branda and Jian Wei
Patroling ICs (Sec 4): Zenden and Shannon

NCHS Duty List T1W3 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 3 [21st January 2019 - 24th January 2019]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Games Room


Monday: Han Xi and Branda
Tuesday: Charissa and Faith
Wednesday: Sui Yee and Megan
Thursday:Summer and Rachel
Friday: -

NCSC Duty List T1W3

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 2 [21st January 2019 - 25th January 2019]
Morning Duty: Group 2

Command and Pledge
EXCO-In-Charge: Shannon

Announcement Maker
EXCO-In-Charge: Jing Xuan

Quote of the Day
Department: Training & Development

National: Jian San
SHHK: Jin Kang
School: Elaine

Side Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Dickson
Councillors: Gerald, Megan and Sophia

Main Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Elise
Councillors: Clarence, Faith and Jun Ming

EXCO-In-Charge: Sok Yang
Level Patrol: Emily and Bjorn

Saturday, January 12, 2019

NCSC Duty List T1W2 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 1 Week 2 [14th January 2019 - 18th January 2019]

Lower Secondary

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Canteen Patrolling IC: Leonard
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Sophie and Jonathan
Patroling ICs (Sec 2): Amber and Han Xi

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)

Canteen Patrolling IC: Chloe
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Fu Lei and Charissa
Patroling ICs (Sec 2): Gabrielle and Serena

Upper Secondary (Recess Group: Group 1)

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Canteen Patrolling IC: Faith
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): Yu Qing and Laura
Patroling ICs (Sec 4): Wei Xuan and Ethel

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)
Canteen Patrolling ICs: Lecia and Clarence
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): An Qi and Gerald
Patroling ICs (Sec 4): Zroy and Dynn Eon

NCHS Duty List T1W2 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 2 [14th January 2019 - 18th January 2019]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Games Room


Monday: Sophie and Jasmine
Tuesday: Amber and Zoe
Wednesday: Chloe and Megan
Thursday: Shanice and Yu Qing
Friday: Clarence and Gerald

NCSC Duty List T1W2

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 2 [14th January 2019 - 18th January 2019]
Morning Duty: Group 1

Command and Pledge
EXCO-In-Charge: Sok Yang

Announcement Maker
EXCO-In-Charge: Dickson

Quote of the Day
Department: Publicity

National: Elise
SHHK: Shannon
School: Jian San

Side Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Jing Xuan
Councillors: Zenden, Shanice and Dynn Eon

Main Gate
EXCO-In-Charge: Elaine
Councillors: Zoe, Gabrielle and Laura

EXCO-In-Charge: Jin Kang
Level Patrol: Emily and Bjorn

Saturday, January 5, 2019

NCSC Duty List T1W1 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 1 Week 1 [7th January 2019 - 11th January 2019]

Lower Secondary

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Field Area: Jun Ming and Serena
Parade Square: Summer and Leonard

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Patrolling ICs: Fu Lei and Sophie
CWO: Shanice

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)
Patrolling ICs: Amber and Chloe
CWO: Jonathan

Upper Secondary

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Parade Square: Wei Xuan and JiaYe
Field Area: Dickson, Clarisse and An Qi
Patrolling ICs: Gerald, Joshua and Jasmine
CWO: Megan and Bryan

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)
Parade Square: Zenden and Erica
Field Area: Justin, Sok Yang and Tze Aan
Patrolling ICs: Zoe, Branda, Hildah and Jian San
CWO: Rachel and Elaine

NCHS Duty List T1W1 Cove

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 1 [7th January 2019 - 11th January 2019]
Timings: 3.00pm to 5.30pm
COVE - Games Room


Monday: Serena and An Qi
Tuesday: Bjorn and Joshua
Wednesday: Sophia and An Qi
Thursday: Summer and Branda
Friday: Bjorn and Stuart

NCSC Duty List T1W1

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Weekly Duty List

Term 1 Week 1 [7th January 2019 - 11th January 2019]
Morning Duty: Group 1

Command and Pledge
In-Charge: Jing Xuan

Announcement Maker
In-Charge: Sok Yang

Quote of the day
Monday: Laura
Wednesday: Shannon
Friday: Jian Wei

National: Elaine
SHHK: Elise
School: Jin Kang

Side Gate
In-Charge: Bryan
Councillors: Megan, Sophia, Jasmine and Alison

In-Charge: Dickson
Upper Patrol: Zenden and Shanice
Lower Patrol: Tze Aan and Fu Lei

Main Gate
In-Charge: Jian San
Councillors: JiaYe, Justin, Hildah and Chloe

Patrol around School
In-Charge: Shannon and Jolene

Groupings for Term 1 2019

Morning Duty

Recess Duty

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

NCHS Student Council: SOOC 2019

Hi Councillors! Indicated below is the relevant information for the Secondary One Orientation Camp 2019 (SOOC'19), Days 1-3 (2-4 Jan).

Reporting Time:
Days 1-2 (2-3 Jan) - 6.40am

Reporting Venue:

Day 1 (2 Jan) - Morning Ushers, OICs and AICs
Reporting Attire: For All Sec 2 & 3 Councillors, please report in your Batch Attire on Day 1. For EXCOs and Assistant Heads with Morning Duty, please report in Full Uniform + Tie. (Please bring along Kaleidoscope Council Tee and change at 0920, during FTI)
Get your logistics from the Council Room and report to the hall by 6.40am for roll call.
Be at your respective stations for duty by 7.10am for morning ushers.
For OICs and AICs of respective Sec 1 Classes, report to the Hall to welcome your classes at 7.00am.

After morning flag raising, OICs and AICs go to your Sec 1 classes and lead the class back to their classrooms. OICs and AICs let the Form teacher of the Class take over before joining their own Form Class.
Report to class for FTI and asked to be released from class by 9.25am.
* Remember to ask your form teachers to release you at 9.25am and report to the Secondary 1 class which you are attached to. For EXCOs and Assistant Heads, please change into your Kaleidoscope Council Tee + PE shorts in the toilet before proceeding to your Secondary 1 class.

Day 1 (2 Jan) - Councillors with no duty 
Reporting Attire: Respective Day 1 Batch Attire
Report to the hall by 6.40am for roll call. 
Proceed to your OWN FORM CLASS for morning assembly and FTI period.
* Remember to ask your form teachers to release you at 9.25am and report to the Secondary 1 class which you are attached to.
Day 2 (3 Jan) - ALL Councillors
Reporting Attire: Respective Day 2 Batch Attire (listed below) 
Leave your bags* in the council room and report to the hall with your day pack and thermometer by 6.40am.
OICs are to hold class signages at the front of the hall and AICs are to guide the Secondary 1 students to their respective classes.

*Bags refers to the bag containing camping items, and not the day pack.

Day 3 (4 Jan) - ALL Councillors 
Reporting Attire: Respective Day 3 Batch Attire

Deployments For All Councillors

Class Overall-in-ChargeAssistant-in-ChargeGame MasterClass-in-ChargePlanning CommitteeExecutive Committee
1AKe ZhiyanChan Chuen Wei BjornShermaine LimPek Long En, LeonardTan Kuan Jue ClarenceClarisse Aw Erng HengKhaw Zi Xiang, StuartCheng Jing JieElise Lim Jia Jing
1BNicole Tan Sze Tong Tan Jun MingAng Sui Yee-Gerald Ong Yu RenEthel Neo Xin YiChong Chin Hui ZoeEmily Megan HoLim Jian San
1CTan Chi Siang, ZendenCloue Sophie Hui-Qi SuzanneFu LeiChong Wei Shan CharissaWee Wan Qing Erica Bryan Shee Le WeiTan Xuan Qi Faith-Elaine Loh Shi Jie
1DHong BrandaTan Han XiLeo Jia Ru Charmaine-Wang Yu Xin-Tan An QiZroy Yeo Kai Jia Khoo Jing Xuan
1ELai Zeng Yu RachelJonathan Lua Kai JieTan Shu En, SummerTan Zi Qi, SerenaLai Yu'en -Jasmine Tang Min HuiKoh Wei XuanChong Jin Kang
1FSoh Tze AanChye Qing Ning AlisonShanice Tan Le Xuan-Justin Goh Zhong KianJolene Chia Zu Lin Hildah Bernadette Hia Yen Qi-Shannon Toh Ying En
1GTham Yi Xuan, Lecia (OIC for CIC)Amber Chua Zhi XuanHan Cheng YiGan Rui Si SophiaLaura Lai Jia EnLee Dynn EonJoshua Ng Chun How-Whang Sok Yang
1HTham Min YaoGabrielle Marcya JoanLau Jia Xuan ChloeYeo Jian Wei Lu JiayeSoh Yu QingChew Yu Yuen MeganDickson Lee Yue Jun 

Deployments for First-Aid
Chew Yu Yuen Megan
Deployments for Multimedia
Tan Xuan Qi FaithJoshua Ng Chun How
Deployments for Day 1 Morning
Main GateSide Gate Hall
Koh Wei Xuan Chong Chin Hui, ZoeKe ZhiyanChan Chuen Wei Bjorn
Cheng Jing JieZroy Yeo Kai Jia Nicole Tan Sze TongTan Jun Ming
Joshua Ng Chun How Soh Yu Qing Tan Chi Siang, ZendenCloue Sophie Hui-Qi Suzanne
Stuart Khaw Zi XiangJasmine Tang Min HuiHong BrandaTan Han Xi
Chew Yu Yuen Megan Hildah Bernadette Hia Yen QiLai Zeng Yu, RachelJonathan Lua Kai Jie
Chong Shan Wei CharissaHan Cheng YiSoh Tze AanChye Qing Ning Alison
Leo Jia Ru CharmaineLau Jia Xuan ChloeTham Yi Xuan, Lecia Amber Chua Zhi Xuan
Shanice Tan Le XuanFu LeiTham Min YaoGabrielle Marcya Joan

Cheer Helpers
1A-1D Cheering Session1E-1H Cheering Session
Chong Wei Shan CharissaTan Shu En, Summer
Leo Jia Ru CharmaineShanice Tan Le Xuan
Pek Long En, LeonardHan Cheng Yi
- All councillors will need to be in full school uniform and tie on Day 1 morning for weekly assembly. They may change into their respective batch attire afterwards.
- OIC of each class will need to hold up their respective class signages. 
- Cheer Helpers refer to the Sec 2 Councillors who will hold up the NC cheer signboards when Welfare is teaching the Sec 1s the cheers.

Deployment for Wake-up and Wash-up
Canteen Toilets (1A & 1B)Staff Toilets (Level 1) (1D & 1E)Staff Toilet (Level 2) (1F & 1G)DNT Toilet (Level 2) (1H)
Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys
Shanice Tan Le Xuan-Chong Wei Shan Charissa Han Cheng Yi Gan Rui Si Sophia Pek Long En, Leonard Tan Shu En, SummerJonathan Lua Kai Jie
Cheng Jing Jie Koh Wei Xuan Tan An Qi Khaw Zi Xiang Stuart Soh Yu Qing Zroy Yeo Kai Jia Emily Megan HoChan Chuen Wei Bjorn
Canteen Sink (1C)------
Chong Chin Hui, Zoe Joshua Ng Chun How ------

Deployment for Bathing
Hairwasher Knocker (Girls) - Girls Toilet Knocker (Girls) - Boys Toilet Knocker (Boys) - Girls Toilet Knocker (Boys) - Boys Toilet
Lau Jia Xuan ChloeTan Zi Qi, SerenaTan Shu En, SummerHan Cheng Yi Pek Long En, Leonard
Ang Sui YeeGan Rui Si SophiaLeo Jia Ru CharmaineKoh Wei Xuan Zroy Yeo Kai Jia
Fu LeiCheng Jing Jie Chong Chin Hui, Zoe Tan Kuan Jue ClarenceBryan Shee Le Wei
Chew Yu Yuen MeganClarisse Aw Erng HengJolene Chia Zu Lin Chong Jin Kang Khoo Jing Xuan
Tan An Qi Wee Wan Qing Erica -Justin Goh Zhong Kian-
Soh Yu Qing---
Note: Knockers will keep the bathing time of each Secondary 1 to around 3 minutes.

Parents' Night (Emcees)
Soh Yu Qing Tan An Qi

Deployments for Parents' Night
Parents Ushers at Main GateParents Ushers at Side Gate Tray HoldersUshers of Principal
Han Cheng YiChong Chin Hui, ZoeEmily Megan Ho
Leo Jia Ru CharmaineLau Jia Xuan ChloeStuart Khaw Zi XiangJasmine Tang Min Hui
Zroy Yeo Kai JiaEthel Neo Xin YiCheng Jing Jie-
Wang Yu XinBryan Shee Le WeiKoh Wei Xuan-
-Elaine Loh Shi Jie --

Attire For All Councillors:

Councillors '19
AttireDay 1; 2 Jan '19Day 2; 3 Jan '19Day 3; 4 Jan '19
Sec 4s '19Kaleidoscope Council T-shirt + PE ShortsBatch T-shirt + PE ShortsNew Council T-shirt + PE Shorts
Sec 3s '19New Council T-shirt + PE ShortsKaleidoscope Council T-shirt + PE ShortsBatch T-shirt + PE Shorts
Sec 2s '19Polo Tee + PE ShortsNew Council T-ShirtPE Attire

Packing List for Day 1 (2 Jan):

Day 1; 2 Jan '19 Packing List (Councillors'19)
No.Items to bringQuantityChecklist
1Water bottle (At least 500ml)1
5Writing materialsAdequate
7Money (For meals; not more than $15)Adequate
9School tie (Extra if have; non-striped)As many as possible
10Day pack (Small drawstring bag/ backpack)1

Packing List for Day 2 (3 Jan):

Day 2-3; 3-4 Jan '19 Packing List (Councillors'19)
No.Items to bringQuantityChecklist
1Sleeping bag1
2PE shirt (For Sec 2s'19)1
3Batch T-shirt (For Sec 3s)1
4New Council T-shirt (For Sec 4s)1
5PE shorts1
School socksAdequate
7Windbreaker/ jacket (For sleeping)Optional
8Long/ track pants (For sleeping)Optional
10Toiletries (e.g. shampoo, body wash)1 set
11Toothbrush and toothpaste1 set
12Slippers (For bathing only)1 pair
13Towel (face/ bath)Adequate
14Extra plastic bags (For dirty clothes)Adequate
15Sanitary pads (For girls)Adequate
17Rag/ cloth (For cleaning)1
18Mosquito repellentOptional
19Day pack (small drawstring bag/ backpack)1
20Water bottle (at least 500ml)1
23Money (For meals; not more than $15)Adequate
24Writing materialsAdequate
27Medication (If required)Adequate
28Game cards (for game masters)Adequate
29Watch/ timer1

NCSC Duty List C T3W5

 Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 5 [24th July 2023 - 28th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...