- Flags
National: Felicia
HHK : Eileen Chai Shaw En
School : Jodi Madeleine
- Attendance File
Sec 1: Jie Ting Zhi Wei
Sec 2: Yang Le Victoria
Sec 3: Sunny Qingyu
Sec 4 and 5: Arffah Jing Yi
- Patrolling Around
Level 1: Sara Clarence
Level 2: Emily Rui Yuan
Level 3: Valerie Jack
Level 4: Claris Feng Xia
- Side Gate
Councillors: Leona Nickson Ivy
- Main Gate:
Councillors: Louis Cheryl Joy
Sorry for the late Post. The understudies, your duties will be annoounced tomorrow itself during Role Call. Have a good rest and do not be late for Role Call alrite? Thank you! :D