Hey guys! :D
Here's an updated packing list:
1. Sleeping bag [1]
2. School T-shirts and shorts (for daytime activites) [At least 3 sets] *
3. Home clothes (inc. track pants and jackets - for sleeping) [Optional]
4. Undergarments [Adequate]
5. Towel (Face/Bath) [Adequate]
6. School/Sports shoes [1 pair] **
7. Socks [At least 2 pairs] ***
8. Slippers/Sandals (only during evening) [1 pair]
9. Personal Toiletries [Adequate]
10. Water Bottle [1]
11. Torch-light [1]
12. Mosquito Repellent [Optional - Highly encouraged: We don't want anyone going home with arms/legs full of mozzie bites :D]
13. Eating utensils (fork, spoon, bowl, cup etc.) [Adequate]
14. Dark coloured shirt
15. Umbrella
16. Face towel - for the hike
* School based shirts such as class tee, house tee, Sec 3 camp tee, etc are fine.
** This extra pair is for the hike. Please wear comfortable ones, we wouldn't want cases of blisters after the hike :D
*** Not necessarily school socks.
The bolded ones are the newer items on the list :D
Things to take note:
- Report in PE attire
- The rest of the days of the camp can be in home clothes, but strictly only school-based T-shirts or any T-shirts that are not revealing
- No high-cut FBT shorts allowed, the minimum length to be at the same length as P.E shorts
Any questions, feel free to ask us.
Oh, those who haven't pass up the consent forms, PLEASE PLEASE put it in Ms Pey's pigeon hole ASAP. Thanks!
Jerilene :D
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
NCSC Duty List C T3W5
Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 5 [24th July 2023 - 28th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...
The following is the packing list for Council Bonding 2015, 22 June 2015. Please report outside the General Office punctually at 8am on 22 J...
Here's a message from jeslin. Hey councillors! This is regarding the sec 1 bathing system. All the boys will shower first using all th...
Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 3 [10th July 2023 - 14th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...