the game department have something to tell the game masters.
Hey game masters!
im joey from games department. i'll tell you guys a few more things to take note of.
Firstly- During scavenger hunt, there'll also be splitting of game masters into 9 stations.
the grouping is the same as amazing race.
station 1 of amazing race is also station 1 of scavenger hunt, so example if you are incharge of station 1 in amazing race, youll also be in charge of station 1 in scavenger hunt.
secondly- during the 3 major games of straw roller coaster, novelty race and sheppard's walk+wanted game+ aye-yup captain. for different major games, there'll be different game masters attached. please take note.
1st-novelty race[class 1a 1b 1c( Victoria and luwen) class 1d 1e 1c(Seri and weiying) class 1g 1h 1i(jack and joel) crow control-entering the venue-qihui. leaving the venue-meichun]
2nd- strawrollercoaster. class 1a 1b 1c(jiasuan) class 1d 1e 1f(sebastian) class 1g 1h 1i(hafizh) crowd control- entering the venue(angela) leaving the venue(huiwen)
3rd- sheppard's walk+wanted game+aye-yup captain, class 1a 1b 1c(clarence) class 1d 1e 1f(jolene tan) class 1g 1h 1i(choon lei) crowd control- entering the venue(shihui) leaving the venue(hui qi).
Make sure all your names are written inside. alsom for the crowd control people, you guys can help the game masters incharge of classes during the game, especially those who are incharge of 1g 1h 1i. or those whose class are beyond control. please ask if you have any questions. And take note of the game you are in charge of. Thanks.