Saturday, January 2, 2016

SOOC 2016

Hello Councillors! These are the details for the Secondary One Orientation Camp 2016, Day 0 (4 Jan) and Days 1-3 (7-9 Jan).

Reporting time

Day 0, 4 Jan

Planning Committee: 6.40am @ Hall
OIC/AIC/GMs/Class ICs: 6.50am @ Hall

Day 1, 7 Jan
ALL Councillors: 7.10am @ Hall

Day 0 will end at around 1.30pm and Day 3 will end at around 12.45pm. 

Day 0 (4 Jan) Morning Ushers, OICs and AICs
Report to school in: Day 0 Attire and PE shorts
Leave your bags in the alumni room and report to the hall by 6.50am for role call. 
Remember to report your temperature to your form teachers before leaving for duty.
Report for duty at your respective stations by 7.10am
After morning flag raising, take whatever you may need for class (e.g pencil case) and proceed to your OWN FORM CLASS for FTI (1st period)
* Remember to ask your form teachers to release you 5 mins earlier!
Within the 5 mins, report to the Secondary 1 class which you are attached to for icebreakers. 

Day 0 (4 Jan) Councillors with no duty
Report to school in: Day 0 Attire and PE shorts
Leave your bags in the alumni room and report to the hall by 6.50am for role call. 
Proceed to your OWN FORM CLASS for morning assembly and FTI period (without your bags)
* Remember to ask your form teachers to release you 5 mins earlier!
Within the 5 mins, report to the Secondary 1 class which you are attached to for icebreakers. 

Day 1 (7 Jan) ALL councillors (except OICs and AICs)
Report to school in: Day 1 attire and PE shorts
Leave your bags in the alumni room and report to the hall by 7.10am

Class ICs may sit at the back of the hall, near their classes while the planning committee prepares.

Day 1 (7 Jan) OICs and AICs
Report to school in: Day 1 attire and PE shorts
Leave your bags in the alumni room and report to the hall by 7.10am. 
OICs are to hold class signages at the front of the hall and AICs are to guide the sec one students to their respective classes.

Day 3 (9 Jan)
Wear Day 3 attire at the start of the day.
Change to full school uniform before performance day.

 Attire for Councillors

* Councillors who do
not have the Infusion
Council Tee are to
wear PE attire.
# ALL councillors are
to change into full
school uniform and tie
on Day 3 for Performance
Packing List for Day 0 (4 Jan)

   Packing List for Days 1-3 (7-9 Jan)

 Deployment of Councillors

# OICs and AICs to
continue holding class
 signages for the
Secondary Ones until
Thursday 7 Jan.                                    

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 Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 5 [24th July 2023 - 28th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...