Sunday, July 10, 2016

NCSC Duty List T3W3 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 3 Week 3  [11th July – 15th July]

Lower Secondary

Shift 1: (First 25 mins of recess)

Patrolling ICs: Zi Yang and Yi Lin

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Bookshop Pathway: Jia Yi
Field Area: Shu Min
Parade Square: Joanna & Quek Xiang

CWO:  Gavin

Shift 2: (Last 25 mins of recess)

Patrolling ICs: Yuting and Nicholas Lam

Canteen Area Patrolling:
Bookshop Pathway: Xin Yi
Field Area: Damien
Parade Square: Yuki and Andrea

CWO:  Cheryl

Upper Secondary

Shift 1: (First 25 mins of recess)

Patrolling ICs: Hui Ling & Beatrix
Bookshop Pathway: Angeline
Field Area: Cheryse
Parade Square: Yock Keat

CWO:  Yi Kai
Shift 2: (Last 25 mins of recess)

Patrolling ICs: Jazlyn and Yi Yong
Bookshop Pathway: Erin
Field Area: Constance and Crystal
Parade Square: Nicholas Pey

CWO:  Antonia

NCSC Duty List C T3W5

 Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 5 [24th July 2023 - 28th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...