Tour Routes
point:Main gate
Gate- Classroom block(park square)- FCE- D&T workshop- Library(computer
lab)- gym(ISH,UG CCA rooms)- field- canteen(auditorium,hall)
point:Side gate
gate- Library(computer lab)- D&T workshop- FCE- Classroom block(park square)-canteen(auditorium,hall)- field-gym(ISH,UG CCA rooms)
Start point:Hall
Hall-Classroom block(Park square)- FCE Rooms(Science labs)- D&T Workshop- Library(computer labs and side gate)- Gym(ISH,UG &CCA rooms)- Field- Canteen(CCA bazaar)
Hall-Canteen(CCA bazaar)- Field- Gym(ISH,UG &CCA rooms)- Library(computer labs and side gate)- D&T Workshop- FCE Rooms(Science labs)- Classroom block(Park square)
to point out to the area ONLY
For parents: This (place) is not in our tour route but do feel free to visit
(place) after the tour.