Saturday, October 12, 2019

NCSC Duty List T4W5 C

Nan Chiau High School
Student Council

Canteen Duty List
Term 4 Week 5 [15th October 2019 - 18th October 2019]

Lower Secondary

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Jun Ming and Zoe Chua
Patrolling ICs (Sec 2): Jonathan and Charissa

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)
Patrolling ICs (Sec 1): Summer and Serena
Patrolling ICs (Sec 2): Chloe and Sophia

Upper Secondary

Shift 1: (Timings: 10.15am-10.40am or 11.00am-11.25am)
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): Stuart and Min Yao
Patrolling ICs (Sec 4): Zenden and Nicole

Shift 2: (Timings: 10.35am-11.00am or 11.20am-11.45am)
Patrolling ICs (Sec 3): Emily and An Qi
Patrolling ICs (Sec 4): Zoe Chong and Jasmine

NCSC Duty List C T3W5

 Nan Chiau High School Student Council Canteen Duty List Term 3 Week 5 [24th July 2023 - 28th July 2023] Lower Secondary Shift 1: (Timings: ...